Procedure last approved 1/15/2025 by Board.
- 45 days or more from an intended election, a newsletter must be sent out providing notice, listing the positions (if applicable), else simply listed as “Director seat” for the open position.
- Homeowners will have until 1 week before the election to submit their desire to run with the Election Candidate Form being made up of the following:
- Name, lot they co/own within community, and position running for
- 500 character paragraph or less of their platform/plan to be made public to homeowners and appear on ballot if it goes to a mail-in vote, and
- Signatures from three (3) other lot owners (not at any of the same addresses) who approve of their nomination. NOTE - Lot owners may sign to nominate as many candidates as they wish.
- At election meetings, each candidate who has met the requirements before the meeting will get three (3) minutes uninterrupted to plead the case of their candidacy.
- If there are enough homeowners and proxy votes present in good standing to constitute a quorum of 60% of total homes in good standing (Required from Articles of Incorporation), election will happen same-day with a majority decision of eligible homeowners present prevailing. If quorum is not met, vote will still be held in-person for documentation purposes and then proceed to a standard mail-in voting with half the previous quorum set and continue until quorum is met.
- Mail-in ballots will include each candidate in order of their approval rating from the meeting, their 500 character summaries, and the number of in-person votes they did receive.
Guidelines for 500 character platform/campaign message:
- May not contain profanity, threats of violence, business advertisements, defamation, or anything else Board would deem inappropriate or unlawful.
If no candidate applies for a given position or a candidate running unopposed still fails to reach majority of eligible ballots cast in favor:
- It shall fall on the new Board to appoint an acting until next election.
- Notice of Election
- Election candidate form
- Pre-election Printout of candidates and their platforms
- Mail-in Ballot containing candidates
Board’s justification behind process:
- Giving 500 characters allows candidates to stand out more than just their name and in lieu of a website per candidate and advertising dollars, helps equally promote candidates so the people can truly get the candidate that best speaks to them.
- Requiring 3 signatures of different lot owners to be nominated will help weed out candidates that wouldn’t be willing to stand behind their platform or are unwilling to talk to even a couple of their fellow homeowners.
- Listing in-person vote counts on the follow-on mail-in voting acts as a sort of primary, allows candidates to drop out, and it provides a general sentiment towards the candidate of their in-person demeanor or more beyond just their written 500 characters.