Results of 2024 August Vote
- Propositions Passed: All
- Ballots recieved: 63 (but 1 without signature so couldn't be counted)
- Ballots Removed from lack of Good Standing: 0
- Surveys recieved: 63
- Homes in Good Standing: 105 (of 115)
- Votes "In Favor" needed to pass proposition affecting Covenants: 27 (due to it being followup meeting with half the previous requirement).
Ballot Results
Propostion 1a: Quorum for Meeting MinutesPassed
- 52 elligable votes in favor
- 7 votes opposed
- 3 votes abstained
Propostion 1b: Document Update Requirement ConsistencyPassed
- 55 elligable votes in favor
- 5 votes opposed
- 2 votes abstained
Propostion 4: Board EthicsPassed
- 56 elligable votes in favor
- 2 votes opposed
- 4 votes abstained
Propostion 6b: Consistent "in Good Standing" languagePassed
- 59 elligable votes in favor
- 3 votes opposed
Propostion 9a: Spelling & Grammatical IssuesPassed
- 57 elligable votes in favor
- 3 votes opposed
- 2 votes abstained
Propostion 10: Fees to LiensPassed
- 53 elligable votes in favor
- 6 votes opposed
- 3 votes abstained
Propostion 11: Rule Update - VehiclesPassed
- 45 elligable votes in favor
- 17 votes opposed
Propostion 12a: Rule Update - FencesPassed
- 52 elligable votes in favor
- 9 votes opposed
- 1 vote abstained
Propostion 12b: Archiectural Committee's Ability to Give ExemptionsPassed
- 51 elligable votes in favor
- 10 votes opposed
- 1 vote abstained
Propostion 13: Reimburse Two Homeowners & Add Rules for Front FencePassed
- 49 elligable votes in favor
- 12 votes opposed
- 1 vote abstained
Survey Results
PDF of all 63 SurveysQuestion 1: In Favor of an update to Tot lot IF grant money was recieved
- 41 votes in favor
- 18 votes opposed
- 4 votes abstained
Question 2:
- 132 weighted score for bench(es)
- 128 weighted score for playground
- 89 weighted score for bulletin board
- 70 weighted score for table
- 68 weighted score for gazebo
- 67 weighted score for fence
- 65 weighted score for pavillion
- 45 weighted score for raised bed planter
- 31 weighted score for clubhouse
- 4 weighted score for dog park [write in]
- 2 weighted score for swings [write in]
- 2 weighted score for garden [write in]
- 1 weighted score for drive-in movie theater [write in]
- 1 weighted score for swimming pool [write in]
- 1 weighted score for trash cans [write in]
Question 3: Gazebo location decision IF community had to have one
- 22 votes in favor of placing on "Pond Lot"
- 21 votes in favor of placing on "Tot Lot"
- 10 votes in favor of both "Pond Lot" and "Tot Lot"
- 11 votes abstained
1 homeowner voted for 2 options
Question 4a: Playground Type decision IF community had to have one
- 5 votes in favor of Preschool Playground
- 14 votes in favor of Elementary Playground
- 27 votes in favor of a little of both
- 18 votes abstained
1 homeowner voted for 2 options
Question 4b: Playground Floor Material IF community had to have one
- 14 votes in favor of Wood Chip Mulch
- 22 votes in favor of Shredded Rubber
- 10 votes in favor of Playground Mat
- 18 votes abstained
1 homeowner voted for 2 options
Homeowner Comments
- #3: "Include Swings"
- #5: "Community days - or game nights where we gather to get to know each other."
- #9:"See-through fence like a dog run"
- #10:"A small swing set for toddlers would also be awesome!"
- #14:"Keep as is - grass only. No playground"
- #15:"Will raise insurance and dues against"
- #19:"Gated dog park. Part of grant money should be set aside to put towards upkeep"
- #24:"Possible ADA compliant playground. Including if possible / surfaces synthetic turf + poured rubber mat."
- #26:"Keep on grass current"
- #29:"Traffic is congested on Golden Pine as it is, so adding community amenities along the road might be concerning. We also ned to maintain it once done."
- #32: "Trash cans"
- #35: "The Pond lot should have a gazebo and raised planters. There should be a playground one in each lot. One for older kids and one for little kid."
- #37: "Concrete patio w/ benches. New grass. No Playground YET. Wait 2 years after benches and tree trimmings, NOT removal."
- #40: "If no grant money is awarded for a structure, maybe consider one lot for a dog park? We are concered about potential insurance liability increases with added structures. Our responses are contingent on minimal increase to HOA insurance."
- #42: "Doing it a way that keeps people from outside the community out is a must! a keypad, fob, or other method should be utilized to enforce this. Last thing we want is homeless or late night hooligans coming in."
- #43: "1. Community Garden. 2. Leave open space for 'Drive in' Type movies/HOA meet & greets or fundraising opportunities. I think additional costs would be several cameras and additional lighting (to keep people/kids from loitering after hours)."
- #44: "Dog Park please."
- #46: "7999 Severn Tree - Playground. 7852 Golden Pine - Pavillion/Gazebo. Put sign at both lots 'Private Property - For Severn Woods residents only'"
- #47: "Open space w/ grass. GRASS."
- #49: "Swimming pool"
- #50: "Keep as is! Opposed to installing any playground."
- #51: "I really don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. My major concern is whart the people adjacent to the lots feel the impact of different structures would have on them. As I haven't spoken to them, I'm unable to give an opinion at this point. If they are agreeable to a tot lot, benches, table, pavillion, gazebo, etc. then I'm in favor of whatever they would like."
- #53: "Please, no playground on tot lot. We have had damage to our property, car, etc when children are playing in the pond lot. Also the noise is disturbing for those of us living next to the pond lot. THe tot lot is a better place for children's activities. Thanks."
- #55: "Community garden (common in Europe) would also be nice. Thank you!"
- #57: "Nothing. Keep as is. No playground!"
- #61: "In favor yes but afraid it won't be cleared of liter... A tennis court! just kidding! Fights would break out between pickle ball + tennis! ... Who will store equipment over winter? Who will pick up the liter? ... Children use to play ball. There was concern about balls breaking windows acxross the street. Think it did happen once? ... In favor of - would it be used, would the homeowners be liable for injuries?"
PDF of all 63 Surveys