Mail-in Voting
Procedure last approved 2/26/2025 by Board.
- Homeowners are to be presented with a written ballot and given a minimum of 30 days from postage or hand-delivery to turn them in.
- Homeowners may turn them in by mailing them to the PO Box, dropping them off at community drop box (if applicable), or either hand delivered or emailed to a member of the Board.
- Any proposed changes to any governing document shall require homeowner signature to be considered countable.
- Before the final due date, any homeowner may request a new provisioned ballot and have the old one voided if they lost it or felt they made a mistake.
- All ballot’s questions improperly filled out may not be counted but the decision of whether it’s improper or not shall require majority consensus of Board present at counting
- Witnesses shall always be welcome to the counting but to ensure protection of homeowners and their personal information/signatures, the taking of photos and/or videos is prohibited.